Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pump It Up

I am a little late, but based on all of the Facebook and Twitter updates, I would say that the word is definitely out, and that despite the rain, there are plenty of women who are rocking red pumps today in honor of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day!

In case you forgot, no worries!  Just remember to mark your calendar for next March 10.  If you do not have a pair of red pumps...shame on you, but again, you now have an entire year to make the necessary wardrobe adjustments.

So, what is that point?  Well, we are trying to raise awareness to the facts about HIV and AIDS among women.  Did you know that every 9 and a half minutes, someone in the United States gets infected with HIV?  Think about the time that it takes to watch a segment of your favorite sitcom (between commercial breaks)...For women and girls, the statistics are particularly grim, especially for those between the ages of 25 and 44--HIV infection is the leading cause of death for black and Latina women in that demographic!

What can you do?  Well, the first thing is to know your status if you are sexually active.  The second thing to do is to learn how to protect yourself.  The third thing is to share the information about preventing HIV infection to others.  Four, support organizations that are on the frontlines in the fight against HIV.

Need resources?  Check out the Office of Women's Health for more info. 

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